Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Checking up on ur health.

Hi Bloggers.. well I am happy to share some healthy news and healthy tips with you all.


Part 1 Cheap Food = Cheap Health.

I was out with a friend having dinner and right before we ordered, she looked at the menu and picked the hamburger and fries; I on the other hand picked wild salmon and veggies. I went on to ask her why she ordered that “heart attack on a plate” she told me that it was because it was cheaper.
True that the burgers and fries were cheaper than the salmon and broccoli, but how much cheaper.

On the menu the burger and fries were $9.13 while the salmon and broccoli were $15.27, so bloggers is a price difference of $6.14 worth a life-time of bad health?

Often times I hear the silly excuse that it is very costly to eat healthy food, but this is not the truth. Even though a 99cent chicken bucket from some fast food place sounds like a steal, truth is that the only person you are rubbing is YOURSELF, because you are rubbing yourself of the feel good nutrients that your body needs to carry out its everyday activities. A 99cent bucket of chicken is not 99 cents, instead, it is the 1000calories you need to burn, the self esteem it rids you off when you are heavier, the doctors visit it will cost you because of irregular heart beat, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and many more.

Stop jeopardizing your body because of cheap food, because at the end of the day, you are what you eat. If you want to have constant heart problems, be constantly sick, be overweight, feel bad about how you look, then go ahead and chow down on all junk food. But if you want to feel energetic, and happy that eat the food that is good for you.

It’s your choice and your health.

Recipe of the Week: Dr. Oz's green drink

Want a cup of "freshness"? then blend the following ingredients for a cup full of health.

You need:

2 cups spinach
2 cups cucumber
1 head of celery
1/2 inch or teaspoon ginger root
1 bunch parsley
2 apples
Juice of 1 lime
Juice of 1/2 lemon

Why it is good to lift WEIGHTS

There many reasons why it's good to add weightlifting to your exercise routines here are two important reasons, why.

1. Muscle MASS: One of the reasons why MEN lose weight faster than WOMEN, is because they have MUSCLE MASS. Muscle burns alot of calories, making it permissable for men to consume more calories, even though men have Testosterone that make it easier for them to build musle mass, women can still build muscles by adding WEIGHTs to their daily workout. So be sure to grab a 5lbs (or any weight you can handle) dumbbell next time you workout.

2. Osteoporosis: A lot of women don't know this but they are building themselves up to suffer osteoporosis, and one of the ways is by not strengthening their bones. One of the ways to strengthen your bones is by lifting WEIGHTS, doing so will make your bones stronger in the future.

So be sure to add a good weight-lifting routine to your daily cardio.

BACK TO da Basics...

Hey bloggers how are you? sorry I have not updated my blog in a while and I know since this long HIATUS, some of you might be wondering what QUEEN-TESSENTIAL WOMAN is even all about.

Well this blog is all about everything women, from relationships, to health, to parenting, and many more. I am hope to recruit other authors so together we can all work on presenting positive and inspiring messages to women out there.

For questions, advice, messages, comments or anything please send me an email with

Thanks for your time and have a great day!