Friday, May 23, 2008


So Today was my Lazy day off, and men did I SLEUTH AWAY!!! anyways while I Was lazy-ing around I caught up with an episode of the TYRA BANKS show, and it was a good one. The show was about how black women (ehm...African American women) are the most unmarried women. I think the statistic is (75% of women are unmarried). Anyways to help rectify the situation (or make herself feel better), Tyra decided to talk about the scarcity of Black Men.

Well I don't like to believe that there is a scarcity of anybody because thinking like that just does not bring about any positive behavior. I mean thinking that there is a scarcity in men makes women act very desparately, hence, dating losers they know are not good for them.

Anyways, according to the women on the show, the black men the came across were hood, broke, jobless, baby mama drama blah blah blah (mind you they met these Men at clubs??). What they wanted were intelligent men with hip-hop artist swagger, a man that is interested in travelling the world but can represent his "hood".

Needless to say there really was no resolution as to where to find Descent GOOD BLACK MEN!

My opinion:
I dont believe in searching for a life partner, I believe they come to you, this however does not mean that you remain complacent and let people come to you. What I am talking about is 1st YOU MUST NOT BE DESPERATE. When you have a goal in mind, you never truly see someone for who they are, you simply see what you want them to be which is wrong, and which sets you up for failing. BE OPEN MINDED, learn to see people for who they are, open your ears to what they say, and know that true love can only achieved when you learn to love people for who they truly are. BE PATIENT, I know a lot of women who have achieved and want a partner that is already there, my personal motto for my partner is this (its okay if my man is not there yet, but I want a productive man), meaning that a man that has goals and is working towards them, is as good as one that is there already, and often times, it is better to meet a man at his "hustle" period because you guys fuse together, and grow together.

I also I believe that women should be seeking for someone to build a GOOD RELATIONSHIP WITH instead of a GOOD black or white man, having a good man on paper does not necessarily mean that you have chemistry or that you guys can build a family together.

Anyways thats my piece, Have a GREAT FRIDAY!


Natural State of Mind said...

Just wanted to say that I watched that same show and it inspired me to begin blogging (along with a few other things). Check out my blog...